Thank you for your interest in acupuncture! Many people today are choosing a more holistic approach to their healthcare and preventative self-care. At Valley Pointe Acupuncture we offer safe and effective acupuncture services to treat a wide variety of health concerns, by addressing the root of the problem, not just masking the symptoms. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are used successfully in conjunction with Western medical therapies as well.
Valley Pointe Acupuncture is the private acupuncture clinic of Amy Lanahan, a licensed acupuncturist. We are conveniently located in Apple Valley off of County Road 42 and Pilot Knob road, within Back In The Game Chiropractic.
Did You Know That Acupuncture Treats More Than Just Back Pain?
Not only is it great for all pain conditions but acupuncture treatments can help you with a myriad of problems, such as:
- Allergies/Sinus problems- Acupuncture can help your body regulate it’s response to allergens.
- Women's health, Hormone/endocrine imbalances, fertility issues
- Cosmetic (wrinkles, sagging, texture, tone)- Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture certified.
- Anxiety/Depression-Acupuncture can provide immediate relief from emotional stress, as well as calming the body and mind which allows for the natural restorative processes of the body to take place.
- Chronic Pain
- Digestion
- Fatigue-Acupuncture can alleviate sleep issues and allow for more balanced, restorative sleep pattern. This will improve overall health.
And so much more!